And cash left less of a trail.
That cash, which is invested in Government securities, leaves the company with a book value, post-dividend and spinoff, of almost $130 a share.
One is that all cash left after expenses will be reinvested.
If there is not enough cash left to pay a few tube driver maybe you should stop thieving o much of it.
Illicit cash, drugs and blood all leave a trail across their immaculately carpeted floors.
Most prefer cash in a white envelope discreetly left beside the bed.
Benny Mulholland had probably just enough cash left from his welfare cheque to get ratted every night until the next one was due.
He offers to help sell her house so that she can pay the debt and keep the small cash left.
Russia's so strapped for cash that most of its nuclear scientists have left to drive taxicabs in New York.
It's like trying to draw more money out of the bank and you've got no more cash left in reserve, okay?