Even more attractive, it would give a cash refund to working families making less than $14,000, who pay no income tax at all.
As a result, sales plummeted, and the stores took back units, even ones that were years old, for a cash refund.
The retailer will advise you whether a cash refund is available.
The company will pay $10 million in cash refunds to 57,000 current and former service members who bought its products after Dec. 31, 1999.
The credit returns federal and state dollars through credits or cash refunds.
But the money did not go to the government; in fact, the company received cash refunds of $351.4 million.
For travel to South America, a cash refund is made.
If no choice is indicated a cash refund is to be made.
Moreover, the only way to get a cash refund is through the bankruptcy filing.
Operagoers were also offered a cash refund or tickets for another performance.