They were all professional gossips, and for their gossip they often received cash stipends.
In addition, the poor and disabled were guaranteed cash stipends.
These are full-tuition scholarships along with a cash stipend (most recently, $10,000 per year) for living expenses.
The prize, established in 1954, carries a $1,000 cash stipend.
Nebraska has adopted a law that would allow the payment of a cash stipend to college athletes.
A small cash stipend is also awarded to winners in the Best Novel category.
In later years, I remember getting a $100 cash stipend, then getting a ring.
A student research paper contest has been established which provides cash stipends (currently $1,000.)
But Brand made clear that, as president, he intends to use his bully pulpit to push for cash stipends and other new benefits.
Most of the former tenants accepted the plan's cash stipend and offer of new rooms.