In practical terms this means that sellers try to ensure that the first (or bohni) sale happens on a cash-only basis, and ideally without any discounts (i.e. at full-price), though the social protocol associated with bohni sales varies by region.
Afghanistan's economy operates on a "cash-only" basis for most transactions, but the use of credit cards is becoming more common.
Family members have no credit cards - the counseling service insisted on their surrender - and operate on a cash-only basis.
At the time of the filing, some vendors were said to be reluctant to sell merchandise to Bonwit and Altman except on a cash-only basis.
He visited his creditors and said that he would now deal with them on a cash-only basis and that he would split 20% of his income equally amongst them all until they were all repaid.
Suppliers have been selling to The Post on a cash-only basis.
Viacom, which announced the auction yesterday evening, managed to accumulate the time by taking the unusual step of selling licenses to the programs for cash and barter instead of the usual cash-only basis.
Elsewhere, you may need to operate on a cash-only basis.
Lehmann bought and sold goods on a cash-only basis; he offered odd prices (i. e., prices not in multiples of five cents) to save customers a few pennies on every purchase.
Banks have been looted and the few businesses that have reopened operate on a cash-only basis.