In 2004, he was unexpectedly nominated for an Oscar for his role as a casino boss in "The Cooler."
Contact every casino boss in Nevada we do business with, and see if you can get the address of Bart Calhoun's school.
Beside it was a pad of paper and the things a desperate casino boss had asked her to write down last night.
Had she gone to sleep while the casino boss was talking to her?
"My dad got these three casino bosses to fix it with the DA's office," he said.
There can also be clashes of temperament between hard-boiled casino bosses and individualistic chefs.
More such conflicts seem inevitable as restaurateurs and casino bosses, both used to having their own way, work in wary partnership.
Reformed gangster Duke Santos (Romero) offers to recover the casino bosses' money for a price.
Catherine also discovers that her absent father was, in fact, her old family friend and big casino boss, Sam Braun.
"Lead the way," he said, and fell in behind Bascomb as the casino boss led him out of the office.