Though the casinos have brought new tax revenue and jobs to the city, the city still has high unemployment.
The casinos bring much needed income and (so far mostly low paying) jobs.
A state study had shown that casinos would have brought $2.6 billion to the economy and created 38,000 jobs.
While many are eager for the potential jobs and economic rejuvenation that a casino would bring, some remain bitter.
The casino issue, he said, only intensified racist fears, because of the economic power that casinos could bring the state's smallest minority group.
Clearly, casinos have brought some economic benefits to certain communities, particularly to a few Indian tribes.
The rent on this joint is paid, the casino brings in a good take every night; why shouldn't I help out?
The casino, itself, will bring them in time.
The casino is going to be 2,000 jobs and will bring people from all over to spend money locally.
Atlantic City employs 250 firefighters, down from 305 in 1976, before the casinos brought more than $10 billion in new development.