Any casino with a poker room must hire a staff of dealers.
Many casinos hire security guards to protect money when transferring it from the casino to the casino's bank.
A license is no guarantee that a casino would hire Mr. Kallman.
When he heard the casino was hiring, Mr. Silva said, he swung by and applied in person.
The most commonly heard grievance is that the casino has not hired enough local people or used enough local vendors.
The project was rejected by officials in Washington after rival tribes that already operate casinos hired a high-profile Democratic lobbyist, Patrick O'Connor.
About a year after the dispute with Resorts International, the casino hired Mr. Uston to be one of its spokesmen.
In addition, casinos have been increasingly hiring subcontractors to run services like building cleaning and employee cafeterias, said another union official, who would not give his name.
Some longtime residents remain skeptical that an Indian casino will hire many locals, but others think any new jobs are better than nothing.
Most casinos will not hire people who cannot speak English, and to several students, the training program doubles as an English language class, at least in casino-speak.