Fricsay's highly individual sense of pace and texture serves the drama excellently, and the cast forms a remarkably coherent ensemble.
Alan Parker comes up with a winner when his cast of unknowns forms a working-class band that lights the torch of opportunity in Dublin's mean streets.
At one point, the cast formed a circle, joined hands and chanted while breathing deeply.
"The whole cast of 'South Pacific,' led by Mary Martin, formed a motorcade a mile or so away," Dorothy writes in "My Favorite Things."
The yellowish cast formed eerily over the bluish skin of the undead, adding intimidation to his strong nose and square jaw.
An increasingly diverse cast of characters are forming unlikely coalitions over the case across ideological divides.
The sweet violin sounds give way to a thump for Ms. Viola's heel-clicking before the cast forms a tighter circle and ends in a pose, arms curved.
In preparation for the counter-attack the British cast off several of the prizes and formed a defensive line.
Mr. Kureishi nods, the cast forms a circle and another scene of "London Kills Me" begins to take shape.
The air was indeed electrifying as the cast formed a circle on the stage.