If he does leave his post, it could cast further doubt on the authority's ability to handle its finances in a transparent way.
North Korea's economic collapse has cast doubt on its ability to feed and arm its 1.2-million-member military, the world's fifth largest.
Its 2009 accounts showed losses of €8.2 million with the company's auditors casting doubt on the group's ability to continue as a going concern.
The figures thus cast doubt on the government's ability to meet its target of stabilizing emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000.
He was obliged, however, to repeat last month's warning that there were "material uncertainties" which may cast doubt on the group's ability to continue.
Frightened because their puzzlement cast doubt on their ability to help.
You also cast doubt on your ability to recognize a decent return!
The 1988 drop in world oil prices cut the country's revenue in half, casting doubt on Venezuela's ability to pay off its debt.
"OK, but don't those theological motivations cast doubt on their ability and willingness to accurately report what happened?"
Doubt has been cast on their ability to do the job for which they are qualified, just because a few are not called to account.