But it went on to cast some doubt on Peru's overall claims, asserting that the country had made no effort to enforce the law within its own borders.
But Michael Young, a writer for Reason magazine, cast doubts on Seymour Hersh's claims.
This, he said, cast doubt on the raiders' claims that they were revitalizing industry.
Even as he cast further doubt on the men's claims today, Colonel Krivo declined to release any details on the prisoners.
Studies are casting doubt on voucher proponents' claims of carrying the torch for equal opportunity.
But everything we've seen so far casts severe doubts on the Thiopans' claims of widespread famine.
A recent report by the agency cast doubt on Iran's claims.
Indeed, rebel leaders have cast doubt on the boy's claims.
And Mr. Gaudelli cast aspersions on Mr. Moore's claims to the jury about how badly he was maimed by the attack.
Senior Administration officials cast doubt on Pakistan's claims to have already fitted its longest-range missile with nuclear warheads.