The south range forms the main block while the east range is the service wing which incorporates a four-storey castellated tower.
In the grounds can be found two Gothic lodge-houses, and a red brick house with an attached castellated tower.
Like Kemp's previous work of the day, the building is surmounted with a castellated tower and spire.
It was built in 1821 and is a rectangular building with a castellated tower.
It is a red brick building with castellated tower dating to the late 19th century.
Aptly named, it resembles a castle with its turrets, castellated towers and square Norman tower.
We drove through the gates under the castellated tower into a courtyard.
In around 1900 the parapets and a castellated tower were removed.
The castellated tower permits excellent views of the coastline, city and river.
It was to be built of steel and concrete with yellow brick walls and eight castellated towers.