Innsitting has often been a casual arrangement between innkeepers and someone they hire.
A lot of these habits are seemingly casual and accidental arrangements of things.
It is a disappointing, overly casual arrangement for such a weighty aggregate of artwork.
You move into the countryside, never go to the cinema or a football match, avoid casual arrangements, lock yourself away.
What he thinks of as his generation's casual arrangements may not, in fact, be so different from another society's squalor.
These seemingly casual arrangements of colored dots and blobs are more deliberately made than you initially think.
Presented in a somewhat casual arrangement, the components of this installation suggest a world of archetypal childhood images.
Had your mother instead borrowed money from an old friend in a more casual arrangement, things would be different.
It can also be quite a casual arrangement, where the mentee calls on the mentor as and when problems or questions arise.
Needless to say, there is also the inclination among friends to keep the arrangement casual.