He admits to being much more ambitious than his casual demeanor suggests.
He sat there a moment, as boggled by Logan's casual demeanor here as he had been in the kitchen.
But some network executives asserted that while they understood the President's embarrassment, they had been surprised by his casual demeanor during the news conference.
"Simple enough, when one knows how," he said, keeping his outward demeanor casual and offhand.
Carlson is known for his casual demeanor and conversation.
She is looking for an assured but not overly casual demeanor, along with good eye contact.
Feigning a casual demeanor, he sidled over to her in front of the windows.
There was a look of hot anger on Gabriel's face that was instantly masked by a far too casual demeanor.
The Mentat maintained his casual demeanor, revealing none of his private thoughts.
Then, with the same casual demeanor, he turned his disruptor pistol on Guinan.