"Dis vun-vell, you can see it for yourself," the man said, with a casual flick of his hand at Iggy.
Lysaer pushed off the crenellation, gave a casual flick of his hand.
You can have all of it," he added with a casual flick of his ringers.
He cleared the tables of dust with casual flicks of a cloth and began, his hands now steady.
A casual flick through some of them will reveal they're hardly Jackie.
The huge man tossed her aside, again with no more than a casual flick of his hands.
With a casual flick of his hand, Chaumel once more sent him flying against the bulkhead.
With a casual flick of his hand, Halloran beckoned the heavyset man who was leaning against their rented car twenty yards away.
Then, widi an almost casual flick of his thumb, he sent the dime sailing down die corridor.
With a casual flick of a right forefinger he sent the missile winging upon its way.