Something between casual flirtation and a knee-jerk invitation to hump.
She showed Chris exactly the civilised blend of camaraderie and casual flirtation that he remembered from their earliest meetings.
There was nothing of the casual flirtation that had passed between them that first morning.
Preece had a reputation for happily accepting casual flirtations from admirers, only to reject them when they became more serious.
A hard, bad temper had replaced his usual mien of casual flirtation, giving him a rough edge that I'd always found attractive in men.
Was that some sort of casual flirtation?
At least Rollins was too seasoned to let his casual flirtation slip into something more serious.
They often play a pivotal role in the transitional process of moving from casual, playful flirtation to serious, sometimes intense involvement.
Sune is known to enjoy long-term relationships, and many casual flirtations.
She deserved better than a casual flirtation; couldn't he see that?