The hard-core gamers who turn their noses up at casual gaming can sneer all they like.
Or perhaps I like my casual gaming to be *gaming* and not *inventory management*.
Also, market shifts towards mobile and casual gaming has led to a dip in overall sales as well.
Hidden object games are a popular trend in casual gaming, and are comparatively inexpensive to buy.
Take my friends Scott and Courtney, who are usually my case study when it comes to casual gaming.
To be fair, most people "really use" computers for email, web browsing, text editing, and maybe some casual gaming.
But he and other video game experts say the surge in casual gaming is about much more.
PS Move clearly lends itself more easily to casual gaming.
In the current era of handheld casual gaming, it deserves to be a hit.
In the case of Hi5, the plan is to focus on casual gaming, which doesn't seem a bad idea.