Discovery, with four styles, has a suggested retail price range of $140 to $249, and is meant for children and casual adult riders.
Their stability, comfort and ease of use makes them popular with beginning bicyclists, casual riders and urban commuters.
More casual riders are also being attracted to the concept, recognising the fun in weaving about town with the wind in their hair.
Retail outlets exist in the mountain village to enable casual riders to hire pushbikes, and for bike owners to access service should the need arise.
Due to the remoteness of the area, there have been no requests for competitive event permits, leaving this area exclusively for casual riders.
So whether a regular or casual rider, dressage or other discipline freak, or indeed an owner, rest assured there's a holiday just for you.
For the casual rider, such details are almost arcane; for the serious rider, they become crucial.
Mr. Muraco recommends that casual riders get annual tuneups for their bikes, and racers get them twice a year.
Rental For the casual rider who is not bringing a bicycle overseas, several European railroad systems offer rentals at train stations.
They are also popular with children and casual riders because they are available in a wide range of bright colors.