The drug is widely used, but as I walked by the nursing station, I casually checked his chart.
Jennsen left them to examine the child as she casually checked the place, making sure there were no surprises lurking.
Rayford was an hour outside Jerusalem Airport, casually checking in with towers along the way who would pick him up on their radar screens anyway.
He casually checked each office to see who was still working.
"This won't take long," said Pitt, casually checking his dark glasses for smudges.
Then, taking a few seconds to gain the upper hand--she was really good at this--she flipped open her visor mirror and casually checked her hair.
Bending to retrieve the book he casually checked the road.
The remains of a simple but tasty lunch from a vendor at the corner lay on the table before him, along with a tall glass of lemonade, and he casually checked his watch as he turned a 'fax page.
He approached her, casually checking the helmet clips and air supply.
Mallory casually checked to see that he wasn't under observation, then nodded.