The wail turned to a scream of pain as Ravn passed by and casually kicked her in the side.
He casually kicked a groveling eunuch in the ribs.
Kelemvor came over and casually kicked Cyric's body.
Cara casually kicked a rock as she walked along.
Dust rose from Richard's boot as he casually kicked a small stone.
Then the guard casually kicked Ward's ribs in while the other guards who had poured into the room kept Sabda and the others at bay.
He checked the progress of his target-thirty feet away-and casually kicked the briefcase underneath the piano.
A dominant bull will casually kick a subordinate with its foreleg, something they do to cows during mating.
He casually kicked aside some of the coins and discovered a pair of soft gloves that looked like they were the right size.
One of the other actors casually kicked it to one side like it was a dead rat.