That she made the comment so casually was enough to make the man pale slightly.
The Canadiens, meanwhile, almost casually made the most of their own chance on the power play to take a 1-0 lead after 20 minutes.
On the platform, he noticed a group of students and casually made his way over to them, trying to blend in.
She made it come out casually, an impulse.
Richard casually made for the door between them.
We casually made our way into the dining room.
Enforcing their message was a security guard dressed in camouflage, who casually made his way to the end of the dock.
Borac casually made his way toward the tavern's twin doors.
From his use of terms like lithium in the strip, he seemed more knowlegeable than others who casually make jokes.
Rand made himself lean back casually, his mouth tightening when he realized that it had taken an effort, if not very great.