The head of the Bosnian Serb army was casually sipping coffee with colleagues in Vienna one morning in August when he was suddenly called away.
He casually sipped an icy Coca-Cola as he watched the students at play.
She munched her grinil and sipped casually.
The staider British also were in shock at the boldness of the French woman who also casually sipped brandy between sets.
A brown-haired man in a checked shirt and jeans sat at one end of the table, casually sipping coffee and examining a stapled stack of typescript.
Conall grinned and picked up a cup of wine, raising it in salute before sipping at it casually, apparently completely at ease.
Mr. Murdoch casually sipped wine and chatted with his daughter, Elisabeth, and other guests.
The pilot stood holding his beer glass in his left hand, sipping casually, but his glance was far from casual.
Rubirosa, none the worse for wear, was leaning against the bar, elegantly turned out and casually sipping a Ramos gin fizz.
Out the back double French doors, Broussard sat in a black satin robe casually sipping his coffee while he read through the morning paper.