A big cat spied him and crouched, ready to spring.
The cat with yellow eyes crouched in the long grass in pursuit of a bird.
In the corner the cat crouched low and licked at a saucer of milk.
The black cat crouched behind the kender's legs, hidden from view.
As the American wife watches the rain, she sees a cat crouched "under one of the dripping green tables."
The cat in the picture is crouching and gazing at something, and seems ready to swiftly run off.
"Maybe then he would stop gazing at you like a cat crouched before a delectable mouse."
Then he saw the small cat crouched upon the window ledge, peering at him through the dirty glass.
Behind her crouched the cat, this time its eyes were not half closed, but alert, also watching.
The spots came into focus and Rosemary saw the cat crouched in the darkness.