The cats dozed in the sun or slunk away into the shadows, the dogs barked from a distance, and dozed in the shadows.
When the little cat is seemingly dozing, Julius tries to tiptoe out of the bedroom, only to notice Oscar suddenly wake up and cry.
It is also reported that cats doze two-thirds of the time, yet are ever on the alert.
The white cat was dozing on his knees.
The cat dozed and purred on Halston's lap under the soft, scratching strokes of Halston's strong and expert killer's fingers.
And for two whole days the sleek, lazy cats of Ulthar would touch no food, but only doze by the fire or in the sun.
During my visit, a cat dozed undisturbed on an 18th-century cane-and-mahogany armchair in the drawing room.
A cat dozed in the afternoon heat of Hanoi, Vietnam's gracious if dilapidated capital.
The cat still dozed.
But we have our bath towels, and together we will build a bamboo forest where cats can doze and I can make extravagant displays of ignoring the man I love.