And because of the cataclysmic events that will take place during this period, your very life is in danger.
Ray shows the human scale of a cataclysmic event that killed more than 3 million people.
It happened in easy stages, the way cataclysmic events often do.
For these cataclysmic events are not simply metaphors; they will really happen.
For her, their coming together had been a cataclysmic event.
She was in grade school during the most cataclysmic events of the civil rights era.
In the past, cataclysmic events often affected the economy's direction.
A cataclysmic event can change the fate of a movie.
But he would be on hand to play his part in the cataclysmic events that lay just ahead.
Without question he had lived through the most cataclysmic event in history.