Much of our understanding of its catalytic components, architecture, and mechanisms of attachment to the bacterial cell and to cellulose, has been derived from the study of Clostridium thermocellum [1, 2, 3, 4].
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is the catalytic component of the ribosomes.
These Zn catalytic components are thought to stabilize the transition state of the NPP phosphoryl transfer reaction.
This design ensured that the oxygen needed in the reactions was absorbed when it was in excess and released when it was needed, allowing all three pollutants to be removed in a single catalytic component.
If increased telomerase activity is associated with malignancy, then possible cancer treatments could involve inhibiting its catalytic component, hTERT, to reduce the enzyme's activity and cause cell death.
This view was more or less simplistic, but implied the recognition that even at this early year the support was a catalytic component in the broadly construed catalytic composition.
An early purpose of the support was to obtain a solid granular material coated with catalytic component, providing a hard and stable structure to withstand disintegration under gas or liquid flows.
Graphitic carbon is also used as a support material where other catalytic components may be dispersed, resulting in an increase of the surface area they expose to the chemical reactants.
REP-1 presents newly- synthesised Rab proteins to the catalytic component, and forms a stable complex with the prenylated proteins following the transfer reaction.