The more nearly vertical an object's trajectory, the deeper it penetrates into the atmosphere before catastrophic disruption.
"Deceased died from catastrophic cellular disruption caused by a series of phaser blasts in increasing grades of intensity," Metcalfe said tonelessly.
Conrad et al. (2007) show that craters of this size "can be expected from the impactor size distribution, without likelihood of catastrophic disruption of Davida."
Second, when these same regions of cortex are damaged, people suffer from a catastrophic disruption of their own awareness of events and objects around them.
ATP and adenosine are released in high concentrations after catastrophic disruption of the cell, as occurs in necrotic cell death.
The Times barely touches on the truly scary scenario of a planet that may soon reach the tipping point beyond which is catastrophic disruption.
A warming in the high end of that range would bring catastrophic disruptions in climate, ecology and agriculture.
A new war would undoubtedly lead to the catastrophic disruption of supplies of food and water.
To wit: maybe the continued American development of antisatellite weapons (ASAT's), by spurring an arms race, could expose the world's satellites to catastrophic disruption.
The civil war resulted in 100,000 killed and caused catastrophic economic disruption.