What a shame that otherwise reasonable governments will be remembered for this catastrophic error.
O'Grady's first reaction, he said, was that he had just made a catastrophic error in judgment.
He concludes that "catastrophic errors occur in many death penalty cases".
In the event of a catastrophic error, somebody will go to jail.
Hadn't his refusal to use dogs to pull sledges been a catastrophic error?
Mr. Bush has refused to hold himself or any of his top political appointees accountable for those catastrophic errors.
If I make a catastrophic error, then I am out.
Yet this new plan strikes me as eminently reasonable, fair and intelligent, where the first proposal would have been a catastrophic error.
In times of extremely rapid change, it is possible for the larger society to make some irreversible, catastrophic error.
It was a catastrophic error of judgment and he paid the price," says Wallace.