A changing array of safeplaces shall be maintained at all times, in the event of immediate, catastrophic threat to the Clan.
The effects of global warming adds a catastrophic threat toward a mass extinction of global biological diversity.
Why do they cling to their willful blindness about these emerging catastrophic threats?
It seems like they perceive anything new or different as a catastrophic threat.
Produced by Creative Differences, the program explores potential catastrophic threats to individual cities, countries, and the entire globe.
As standards spread, this necessary and ambitious effort could dramatically strengthen the world's ability to intercept individuals who could pose catastrophic threats.
The West, however, poses a catastrophic threat to the ordinary people of Iran.
The catastrophic threat at this moment in history is more specific.
The archipelago faces frequent catastrophic threats of cyclonic storms.
Extending those standards among other governments could dramatically strengthen America and the world's collective ability to intercept individuals who pose catastrophic threats.