She pulled free of Ed, but suddenly Daniel was there, catching her in his arms despite the fiddle he still held.
However, one day he could not catch any fish despite tedious attempts and only picked up a nail with his net.
She had slowed without realizing it, caught despite her situation by her first sight of an unfamiliar world.
He leans forward to catch questions despite his hearing aid.
But the phrase caught on, despite the source and although it had very little to do with Ms. Guinier's work.
She caught both of Alise's hands in hers despite the other woman's efforts to free them.
But Zeppole never caught fire, despite good reviews.
For instance: You'll learn just how many diseases you can catch in eight months, despite your innoculations.
The mutual funds have failed to catch on despite costs that, for now, are among the lowest in the industry.
She was still close enough in mental rapport with her sister to catch Zara's frustration despite the very positive statement of intent.