Horses were used to catch electric eels by sending the horse out into the water.
Hand netting (catching with nets) is the only legal way of catching eels in England.
The Darug had a close relationship with the river, from which they caught fish, eels, and other food.
"Maybe so," Southwick said gloomily, "but you mark my words: it'll be like trying to catch eels with slippery hands."
A few weirs had bucks for catching eels.
It was used particularly to catch eels which were a staple part of the London diet.
Watermen use these boats year round for everything from crabbing and oystering to catching fish or eels.
"It would be a grand night for catching eels."
They used spears to catch eels and turtles.
It was a center for catching and smoking eels for market.