Rediff music review noted,"the superbly arranged hip-hop tune is one hell of a catchy number".
He'd been thinking of a song from an American film he'd seen back before the war began, a catchy number called "California, Here I Come."
Nobody seems to care," sings the cast in what is, ironically, one of the show's catchier numbers.
That is a real catchy number to start such a lesson.
He concluded that the song is a "catchy number [...] made for radio."
A catchy little number, I think you will agree.
It was a catchy little number after all.
When she started, she heard about Mr. Herrera and his catchy number but it did not inspire her.
On one occasion, a colleague of his was belting out a catchy number on the field.
Each week, the kids (and, sometimes, teachers) at McKinley High come together to produce catchy little numbers that are worthy of a download.