Several lines of evidence suggest that elevated catecholamine levels are cardiotoxic [ 15 ] .
Stress hyperglycemia is especially common in patients with hypertonic dehydration and those with elevated catecholamine levels (e.g., after emergency department treatment of acute asthma with epinephrine).
Be sure to keep warm during the 24-hour urine test because being cold can increase your catecholamine levels.
It selectively stimulates receptors in the brain that monitor catecholamine levels in the blood.
Halothane was also contraindicated in patients susceptible to cardiac arrhythmias, or in situations related to high catecholamine levels such as pheochromocytoma.
Increased catecholamine levels rapidly restore the blood pressure.
Increased catecholamine levels promote positive lusitropy, enabling the heart to relax more rapidly.
Influence of exogenous melatonin on catecholamine levels in postmenopausal women prior and during oestradiol replacement.
It was also supported by work demonstrating that if catecholamine levels were depleted by up to 20% but 5-HT neurotransmission remained unaltered there was no sedation in animals.
More specifically, inhibition of VMAT2 may cause an increase in cytosolic catecholamine levels.