Vehicles in category D are exempt from VRT.
In detail, a skeleton of C is a category D such that:
Category E - Same as category D, but also allowing trailers (including semi trucks) and articulated buses.
Consider the category D of homomorphisms of abelian groups.
Firearms law prohibit (not only in category D) use of specific gun accessories like night vision or laser.
During the 1970s, the village was classified as category D, which meant the council wished to demolish the whole village.
In the mathematical theory of categories, a sketch is a category D, together with a set of limit cones and a set of colimit cones.
Different abelian categories can give rise to equivalent derived categories, so that it is impossible to reconstruct A from the triangulated category D(A).
The prototype is the t-structure on the derived category D of an abelian category A.
Patients and their relatives in category D are clearly at greatly increased risk of a first or subsequent primary tumour and need life-time surveillance.