Anyone who has ever been made felt like an outsider can find a cathartic release in the music and a welcoming group in the fans.
And for people still haunted by the events of that day, reading "102 Minutes" provides a cathartic release.
It can almost be a cathartic release for creative talent.
As she says this she smiles, and we both laugh, just a little, a cathartic release.
She advises him to write down whatever is bothering him as a cathartic release if nothing else.
While this is happening, other students act out in cathartic release.
Far from a cathartic release of a flood of talent held back by his presence, not much happened.
But some students use the letters as a cathartic release.
I've cried a lot while lying on that couch and find that the act of crying is a cathartic release.
Critics used phrases like "cathartic release" and "uniting through laughter."