The property contained a 20-room summer inn, a cattle barn, a grocery store, and a gas station.
There are several outbuildings, including two large barns, a small cattle barn, and several sheds.
"They offered us a cattle barn and I said no," Mr. Lang told reporters this evening.
In 2009 a large cattle barn was built at no expense to the school system.
Lawyers are suggesting that the fair organizers were negligent in serving untreated water drawn near a cattle barn.
Then you can tear down their houses-or use them for cattle barns if you want.
The visitor center, located in a former cattle barn, features displays about the science of archaeology and the work being done on the property.
On this day, adherents go to their cattle barn and free the animals from their yoke.
In the converted cattle barn that was to become Napoleon's new home, a silver washstand and golden snuffboxes were set up.
On the night before Christmas 2010 a fire at a cattle barn killed between 20 and 30 cows.