Britain wants to resume exports of beef fat and gelatin made from boiled-down cattle carcasses.
The loss of livestock was not discovered until spring, when a large number of cattle carcasses were spread across the fields and washed down streams.
Opponents of a planned incinerator for cattle carcasses infected with BSE have condemned a government minister for approving the scheme.
"Hey," said David Birn, a set designer who was looking at one of the hundred-odd cattle carcasses on display in Gallagher's glass meat locker.
Those who fear it may now have crossed to humans think it comes from eating infected portions of cattle carcasses.
The King Vulture eats anything from cattle carcasses to beached fish and dead lizards.
We could run infected cattle carcasses through an acid bath to kill the germs.
In many cases, cattle carcasses were incinerated in portable units.
At the moment there is nothing to stop the removal from cattle carcasses of the identification marks which specify their origin, and this is creating serious problems.
"There's a hope now," said Freddie Brookins Sr., 49, who cuts up cattle carcasses for a living.