Later, when ranches were established, sheep and cattle ate the grasses as well, causing erosion to increase.
However, cattle and rabbits eat the plant seemingly without suffering harmful effects.
Except near a few water holes, nothing grows that even cattle will eat.
"The beef is naturally tender from the climate and what the cattle eat," he said, "not from fat."
I can tell you there are none, Except near a few water holes, nothing grows that even cattle will eat.
The larvae climb up the blades of grass and the cattle eat them as they graze.
The thought that cattle would eat them will haunt me until I get cattle.
Overgrazing is when cattle eat too many crops.
The cattle eat without discrim-ination, grass, bushes, and young trees.
Domestic cattle ate the plants and began wasting away; only later was it discovered the hyacinth has no nutritional value.