On a side note it is safe to say that cattle outnumber people at least 4 to 1.
The cattle industry is still extremely important to Alberta, and cattle outnumber people in the province.
The cattle in the kraal hampered both sides, but with Zulu pressure mounting up the heavily outnumbered British troops managed to extricate themselves and pull back to the redoubt.
In Imperial County, where feed-lot cattle outnumber people four to one, the manure sometimes piles up so high it must be packed down with four-wheel-drive trucks.
The regional importance of agriculture is reflected in the fact that cattle outnumber people in the area nearly 4 to 1.
In Nebraska, a place where cattle outnumber people, vegetarians are sometimes accused of undermining the state economy.
Senator Burns represents a state where agriculture is the No. 1 industry and cattle outnumber people three to one.
Powell is in ranch country, where cattle outnumber people and the local two-year college has a rodeo team.
On the sprawling plains of Uruguay, where sheep and cattle far outnumber people, the milkman still makes home deliveries by horse and buggy.
It has several motels, some decent restaurants and, most important, people, so it is useful as an "urban" headquarters in this otherwise unpopulated region where cattle outnumber humans, 3 to 1.