Despite the legislature's support of Crawford, opposition to the caucus system killed his proposal.
North Dakota uses a caucus system, and the turnout was small on a frosty night.
But given the growing popular resentment against the caucus system, that designation did more harm than good.
Missouri previously chose delegates to the parties' national conventions through a caucus system.
At the convention itself, it used a disciplined caucus system, with groups of ten on the floor led by a group captain.
Still, for all the changes this year, the caucus system hardly seems the wave of the future.
Iowa kicks off the 2012 election calendar process under the arcane rules of its caucus system.
If the parties do not change the primary and caucus system by 2008, the commission said, "Congress should legislate the change."
Until this year, state Republicans used the more closed caucus system to choose presidential delegates.
He opposes the caucus system favored by the Americans.