Blake and Sophie begin dating, their first date is ruined and they are later caught kissing on a school trip.
They are caught kissing by the other two.
She ran into controversy in December 2012 when she was caught on camera kissing another girl at a Mumbai nightclub.
The story was released in many newspapers after the pair were caught kissing after a night out.
Spontaneity is risky; left on her own for a moment and she may be caught kissing Yasir Arafat's wife.
Lenardo recalled being caught kissing the innkeeper's daughter at the age of twelve.
Chelsea starts to fall for the DJ but Roxy is caught kissing him.
Cee was caught kissing a girl, which T. Jones didn't like.
Unfortunately Krishna and Janani are caught kissing which again leaves a split in the family.
When caught kissing Deimos, Zeus strikes them both down.