A study on children from Demark, Sweden and California likewise argued against TCVs being causally associated with autism.
Smoking is also causally associated with cancers of the pancreas, kidney, bladder, stomach, and cervix and with myeloid leukemia.
Many other exposures have been established as causally associated with lung cancer, but even the combined effect of these additional factors is very small compared with cigarette smoking.
All estimates assume that particles are causally associated with health effects, and that all components have the same toxicity.
It is only on the basis of rigorous statistics that the two groups believe their snips must be causally associated with heart disease.
Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome has been causally associated with porcine circovirus type 2.
Vitamin D deficiency is common in those with RA and may be causally associated.
Melanism in leopards has been hypothesized to be causally associated with a selective advantage for ambush.
Previous seismicity in the Central Virginia Seismic Zone has not been causally associated with mapped geologic faults.