The bacterium that causes TB is called Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Of the 55,000 inmates tested, 12,530 showed positive results, meaning that they had been exposed to the bacteria that cause TB.
It is rare and unusual for TB of the spine to cause TB of the central nervous system, but isolated cases have been described.
One-third of the people in the world are infected with the bacillus that causes TB.
Silica is believed to interfere with the body's immune response to the bacteria that cause TB.
These drugs don't cause TB but may trigger the infection in people who have already been exposed to TB.
What causes TB?
People without H.I.V. have a far smaller chance of contracting tuberculosis, even if they are infected with the bacillus that causes TB.
Even if as was found after the culling trials a few years ago it causes TB to spread further.
There is plenty of evidence that badgers cause TB.