The water provides a cooling effect on the atmosphere surrounding the building and eliminates ground heat radiation waves that normally would cause optical aberrations.
This should not be confused with axial (longitudinal) chromatic aberration, which causes aberrations throughout the field, particularly purple fringing.
It can cause chromatid aberrations in cell models.
A 2009 study on mice has found that a single intraperitoneal injection of Roundup in concentration of 25 mg/kg caused chromosomal aberrations and induction of the micronuclei.
If the modulator causes aberrations in the beam, the returned optical signal will be attenuated and insufficient light may be present to close the link.
Hubbard proposed that, via pain, physical or mental traumas caused "aberrations" (deviations from rational thinking) in the mind, which produced adverse physical and emotional effects.
(1) Benzene causes both structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations in humans.
In particular, it causes 'chromosomal aberrations' in lymphocytes.
The abnormal gushing of aer has caused forests to wilt and aberrations in the behavior of the local monsters.
Benzene causes chromosomal aberrations in the peripheral blood leukocytes and bone marrow explaining the higher incidence of leukemia and multiple myeloma caused by chronic exposure.