This review found no significant evidence suggesting dairy product intake causes acidosis or increases risk for osteoporosis.
The use of nucleoside drugs such as abacavir can very rarely cause lactic acidosis.
Also, fatty acids can begin to accumulate in the blood, lowering the blood's pH and causing acidosis.
The toxic metabolites cause acidosis, a rise in the acidity of body fluids.
Metformin, a common medicine used to treat diabetes, can also cause lactic acidosis.
Metformin is, however, unlikely to cause lactic acidosis although the belief remains in clinical practice.
Seek medical treatment if you develop symptoms of any disease that can cause metabolic acidosis.
Serious medical conditions can also cause lactic acidosis, which can be dangerous in those situations.
Stavudine may also be more likely to cause lactic acidosis in a pregnant woman.
Smoking leads to the development of many severe lung diseases that can cause respiratory acidosis.