Excessive alcohol intake can cause liver damage, ulcers, high blood pressure, and other long-term ailments.
Antioxidants prevent or delay cell damage that may cause cancer, heart disease and other ailments.
They also can cause asbestosis and other respiratory ailments.
Local officials admitted that discharges from the plant were causing respiratory ailments and increased infant mortality.
From a health perspective, he would like to see data made available neighborhood by neighborhood to be able to determine what is causing respiratory ailments.
The particles, called particulate matter, have long been suspected of causing ailments of the heart and lungs.
The chemicals, xylene and naphtha, can cause respiratory ailments.
Pig waste also gives off airborne ammonia, which can cause respiratory ailments.
But blizzards don't last months, and they don't cause respiratory ailments.
Exposure to high levels of ozone can cause coughing, headaches, nausea and other ailments.