While avoiding decisive battles, the side employing this strategy harasses its enemy through skirmishes to cause attrition, disrupt supply and affect morale.
Worms swallow hard objects (e.g. stones) to aid digestion, which causes attrition to such objects.
Rain caused considerable attrition as only thirteen of seventy starters finished the race.
But there is no question that the continuing messianism has the potential to cause significant attrition among the next generation.
With foul trouble causing attrition, the Pacers took advantage of the Knicks' thinning talent in the game's last 30 seconds.
Constant fighting, a high accident rate in the high altitude and poor maintenance caused substantial attrition.
New waves of immigration and people's desires to embrace all of their heritage are causing attrition of single "racial" categories.
Over-energetic sieving causes attrition of the particles and thus changes the PSD, while insufficient energy fails to break down loose agglomerates.
In addition, the incoming tide was beginning to hide the remaining obstacles, causing high attrition among the landing craft before they had reached the shore.
Since many of the foods are abrasive enough to cause attrition, rabbit teeth grow continuously throughout life.