The company was also sued by people who used the drug and blamed it for causing cataracts.
The study does not prove that antidepressants cause cataracts.
It is believed that long term exposure will cause sterility (especially in males) and cataracts.
Chronic exposure to the sun can cause cataracts and skin cancer.
Ultraviolet light can cause cancer, cataracts and other health problems.
Children under age 12, because the UV light therapy may cause cataracts.
Over the years, repeated exposure to ultraviolet rays can damage the lens of the eye and cause cataracts.
I just found out, the hard way, that the steroids commonly used to treat asthma can cause serious cataracts.
Q. What about the popular belief that microwaves can cause cataracts.
High blood sugar levels can cause cataracts, and some nutrients may prevent or promote them.