But recent financial constraints caused cutbacks in special vaccination days in those areas.
However, he found entry-level opportunities in MLB to be limited in the years during and after the 1994-95 baseball strike, which had caused cutbacks throughout the sport.
The worry is that the stock market's plunge could cause cutbacks in consumer spending, especially for housing, autos and other durable goods, and on business investment in new plants and equipment.
"There is that possibility this will cause cutbacks in poorer neighborhoods."
As a result, Mrs. Chater said, an increase in spending for disability reviews may cause cutbacks in spending for other purposes.
Kerry was against budget cuts that cause cutbacks in Social Security benefits.
Subsequently, the postwar depression and easing Soviet-British relations caused cutbacks to the Secret Service, and Conrad resigned from the service and returned to England.
Many steps were under way when the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington caused deep cutbacks in air travel worldwide.
The war caused cutbacks in automobile and bus service, and migration from farms and towns to munitions centers.
The budget they enacted last year caused widespread cutbacks in education and created even greater inequities.