Wind effects can also cause vertical deflection.
For instance, the Hawaiian Islands chain of volcanic edifices has sufficient mass to cause deflection in the lithosphere.
Meters commonly use a 3 roller system where the material travels through the rollers causing deflection in the center roller that is connected to an analog indicator or load cell on digital models.
Where the edges of an atomic terrace causes deflection, a low density line is formed and is termed a "zone line".
It can slightly increase the vertical load seen by the vehicle suspension but it does not create lateral acceleration as perceived by passengers or and does not cause lateral deflection of the vehicle suspension.
Coriolis force-(n) An apparent force on the surface of a rotating body that causes apparent deflection of trajectories from the "expected" course in the rotating coordinate frame of the body.
The original M6 and M6A1 rockets used in the M1 and M1A1 launchers had a pointed nose, which was found to cause deflection from the target at low impact angles.
This wave may interact with the cantilever, causing additional deflection.
The unbalanced mass of the rotating object causes deflection that will create resonant vibration at certain speeds, known as the critical speeds.
Next year, when VAT-inclusive prices are displayed in euros, at least in participating countries, the lack of neutrality of VAT rates in intra-community transactions will become apparent and will cause distortions in competition and increased deflection of trade.