However, strong winds scorched the plants on Guam with saltwater, causing extensive defoliation.
They may cause heavy defoliation in Ghana and Nigeria.
These spots can cause defoliation, premature openings, broken stems, and reduced yield.
When leaves become infected with rust they rapidly die causing defoliation.
This causes severe discoloration and eventual defoliation of the plant.
Once the plant is infected the disease causes defoliation and reduced quality and quantity of soybean seeds.
In years highly favorable for disease development, leaf blight can cause defoliation and, in some cases, death of plants.
This causes defoliation of the trees, but not tree death.
Most years it's not a problem, but every once in a while it causes widespread defoliation, turning whole valleys brown.
Once the larvae are born, they slither in large groups along tree trunks, branches and leaves, usually causing vast defoliation.